
Hanwha Resort Jirisan


    Plan / Carte routière

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    D8 6,34km
    A1 Prag-Chodov 12km
    A5 Prag-Trebonice 12km
    Holesovice 1,73km
    Dresden 119km
    České Budějovice 125km
    Pelc Tyrolka 1,75km
    Bubentsch 1,82km
    Stare Mesto 1,88km
    Praha Ruzyně (PRG) 9,75km
    Karlovy Vary / Karlsbad (KLV) 108km
    Marianske Lazne / Marienbad (MKA) 123km
    Zeleznicne Stanice Praha-Stred 2,51km
    Liben Railway Station 5,32km
    Zastavka Liboc 5,69km
    Praha-Hradcanska 362m
    Praha-Hlavní Nádraží 2,66km
    Cechuv Bridge 4,44km


    Ch double à partir de 119,69 €

    Chambre double 176000.00 KRW

    Hanwha Resort Jirisan contacter


    • 32-1 Hwangjeon-Ri
    • 542-853 Gurye
    • 061 782 2171
    • 061 782 3675
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    Restaurant / Blue Lion Bar - Rezidence Lundborg

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