
Hotel Ristorante al Girarrosto


Hôtel / Auberge

  • 24 Capacité
  • 13 Chambres
Plan / Carte routière

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Belluno / Beilun (BXL) 73km
Klagenfurt (KLU) 98km
Ljubljana (LJU) 103km
Bolzano / Bozen Dolomiti (BZO) 140km
Udine 34km
Longarone 65km
Bad Gastein 84km
Wörgl 149km
Carnia 1,53km
Gemona del Friuri 9,67km
Pontebba 22km
Carnia 1,53km
Stavoli Gnivizza 15km
Stalli Battistella 15km
Piani 739m
Portis 1,65km
Amaro 3,27km
A23 Carnia-Tolmezzo 4,42km
Lago di Cavazzo 6,49km


Evaluation des hôtels

Good cheap Hotel with excellent food, unfortunatelly located right next to a main street and train. Rooms are not longer the youngest once. But for one night its okay


25.00-50.00 EUR

Chambre single 25.00 - 30.00 EUR

Chambre double 45.00 - 50.00 EUR

(avec petit déjeuner)

Hotel Ristorante al Girarrosto contacter


  • Via Pontebbana 74
  • 33010 Venzone
  • 0432 978017
  • 0432 978017
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