Warwickshire nr Stratford-upon-Avon

Oxstalls Farm Stud


Lauku māja / Pensija

  • 12 Gultas
  • 6 Numuri
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Pilsētas centrs/pilsētas centrs
Alveston 2,59km
Norton Lindsey 3,3km
Wolverton 3,94km
Ieinteresējošā vieta
Ashorne Hill 8,09km
Milcote Station 9,61km
Guys Cliffe House 12km
Birmingham (BHX) 27km
Gloucestershire (GLO) 50km
East Midlands (EMA) 72km
Menzies Welcombe Hotel & Golf Course 1,83km
Southern Golf Ltd 8,75km
Welford On Avon Golf Course 11km
Tirdzniecības izstāde
The Excel Exhibition & Conference Centre 142km


Cenas pēc pieprasījuma

Oxstalls Farm Stud sazināties ar


  • Warwick Road
  • CV37 0NS Warwickshire nr Stratford-upon-Avon
  • 01789 205 277
Restorāni apkaimē

Jums interesanti

attēls: Oxstalls Farm Stud
Oxstalls Farm Stud

Warwick Road

0m Warwickshire nr Stratford-upon-Avon

attēls: Stratford Manor Hotel
Stratford Manor Hotel

Warwick Road

430m Stratford-upon-Avon

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Best Western Salford Hall Hotel

Abbots Salford

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attēls: The Alveston Manor Hotel
The Alveston Manor Hotel

Clopton Bridge, Banbury Road

3.89km Stratford-upon-Avon

attēls: YHA Hemmingford House Hostel
YHA Hemmingford House Hostel


3.92km Stratford-upon-Avon

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Stratford Moat House


3.93km Stratford-upon-Avon

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Holiday Inn Stratford


3.94km Stratford upon Avon

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The Croft Guest House

49 Shipston Road

4.11km Stratford-upon-Avon

attēls: Sequoia House Hotel
Sequoia House Hotel

51-53 Shipston Road

4.14km Stratford-upon-Avon

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Thistle Stratford-Upon-Avon Hotel

44 Waterside

4.22km Stratford-upon-Avon