
Jollys Hotel


  • 25 Chambres
Plan / Carte routière

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Dundee (DND) 9,47km
Glasgow / Abbotsichn (GLA) 118km
Inverness (INV) 140km
Scotscraig Golf-Club 2,63km
Grange & Dundee Golf-Club 4,2km
Abertay Golf-Club 4,38km
West Ferry 2,52km
Kingennie Station 4,06km
Saint Fort Station 8,72km
Broughty Ferry 443m
Tayport 1,87km


Prix sur demande

Jollys Hotel contacter


  • Gray Street
  • DD5 2BJ Dundee
  • 01382 477533
Restaurants à proximité

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The Fishermans Tavern Hotel

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Image: The Hotel Broughty Ferry
The Hotel Broughty Ferry

16 West Queen Street

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Image: Restaurant Taychreggan
Restaurant Taychreggan

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Image: Best Western Woodlands Hotel
Best Western Woodlands Hotel

13 Panmure Terrace

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Image: Ardmoy B&B
Ardmoy B&B

359 Arbroath Road

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Image: The Panmure Hotel
The Panmure Hotel

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Image: Craigtay Hotel
Craigtay Hotel

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Image: Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa Dundee
Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa Dundee

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Image: Drumoig Hotel & Golf Course
Drumoig Hotel & Golf Course

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Image: Hilton Dundee
Hilton Dundee

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